Self-Evaluation Questions

  • Are you at least 17 years old?
  • Do you have at least a high school diploma at program begin date?
  • Have you completed at least 3 years of high school German, or 2 semesters of German in college or the equivalent?
  • Is your German ideally at least at a B-level referring to the European Framework for Foreign Languages Classify yourself here
  • Do you believe you can adjust to a different environment with a different diet and different work styles?
  • Are you open to accept new ways and live by them?
  • Can you be patient before you judge something from your own cultural viewpoint?
  • Can you endure the stress, to be under the full professional burden may be for the first time in your life and at the same having to reorganize your life in a new culture?
  • Do you respect other cultures?
  • Do you like to help other people?
  • Are you eager to meet interesting people in Germany?
  • Are you a person who meets new people with relative ease?
  • Are you a dependable person who can keep commitments?

If you can honestly answer all of the questions with YES, you might qualify for our VolunteerGermany Program.

So why don’t you then walk /click through your window of opportunity and download your application form in German? 

Application form in English

  • Before you fill out your application form, please read here about your best perspectives.
    • After we have received your application we will let you know about your perspectives and possibilities and give you the best possible price.
    • After that we expect you to pay the low application fee so we can start to find you an assignment.
    • Finally you will also receive more information.
    • Spreading the word is well worth it.

Amity Institute – building international friendship and cultural understanding
through worldwide exchange.