This Google tracking service is known as the Google Analytics. It is a powerful service that keeps track of your web site’s success on organic and paid search results. Google Analytics gives you better understanding on how your web site’s web visitors react on your site. It gives you no-holds barred and detailed experience of your web site visitors.

You will also be aware and know what key words users in relation to your web site frequently use. You will be educated on the best link text that brings in the most prospects.

True to its name, the Google Analytics shares with you analytical data that will help you greatly on being aware about your web site visitors and target visitors’ preferences.

The following are 5 essential features of Google Analytics:

  1. Google Analytics allows you to compare data about the performance of your site at two different time periods. It also allows you to chart the data immediately to get a better view of your site. It shows you the performance of your site based on area, city or country metrics.
  2. Providing referring sites and search results metrics are the basic features of any analytics program, but with Google Analytics you can get statistics not only on the number of visitors a link partner is sending, but the quality of the traffic.
  3. Once you have your business goals, for example sales & marketing, setup in Google Analytics you are able to determine and thus control vast amounts of data with regard to what’s working and what’s not in your marketing strategy.
  4. Google Analytics allows complete AdWords integration. This means it provides data on each group, campaign, and keyword. Specifically, you can look at each of these areas and see the number of displays, clicks, your cost, conversion, etc.
  5. It enables you to customize the rich features provided in your Google Analytics dashboard. You can move the most often used reports to the dashboard for fast access by just clicking the “Add to Dashboard” link.

Google Analytics also has a “Report Finder” to help you search for your archived reports, helps you view your website’s bounce rate over time, shows connection speed data which helps you determine how to prioritize and optimize your site’s design and load time, and much more. To start using Google Analytics navigate to You can either register using your existing Google account, for example if you already have a Gmail account, or sign up for a new one.