It’s important for business owners to understand how digital marketing works so that they can make smarter decisions about their digital marketing campaigns. The key to understanding how it all works is getting to know each element of digital marketing and recognizing how each can help you reach your marketing goals. We’ll go through each digital marketing tactic below and explain how you can use each one for your own business.

1. Website Marketing

In many ways, your company’s website is the cornerstone of your digital marketing strategy. This is where many of your target customers first get an impression of your brand, and more often than not, this is where your leads will eventually convert into paying customers. So let’s talk more about how your website plays a role in how digital marketing works.

The goal of digital marketing is to attract, engage, and convert your leads. Many of the tactics that you will use to do this will ultimately lead your target customers back to your website to get more information or make a purchase.

how digital marketing works

Your website is sometimes your brand’s only chance to make a good first impression with consumers in your target market. For this reason, you should pay attention to the layout of your site as well as the colors and graphics that you use in your site design. In fact, according to Adobe, 38% of people will stop engaging with a website if they find the content or layout to be unattractive.

However, the appearance of your site is not the only thing that matters. Since your website is the center of many of your digital marketing campaigns, it’s important that it is designed and optimized for conversions. This means creating a site that is easy to navigate and read with clear guidance for the next steps consumers need to take to move further down the funnel. This also means creating a site that optimized for mobile devices to improve the mobile user’s site experience.

Did you know that 69% of the time spent online (in the US) was done using a mobile phone? Desktop usage is only less than 50% of the whole user online activity. And mind you, the US is not the biggest user in mobile which means other countries spend more time online using their smartphones. That is exactly why it is important for a business owner like you to optimize your digital content, most especially your website for mobile usage. Because that’s where the consumers are.

If you aren’t sure that your website is effective, it may be time to work with web design experts who can help you improve and optimize your website design. Visit our web design services page to learn more about how web design impacts your campaign results and how a web design agency like Adze Vibrant Marketing can help you see real results.

2. Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization also plays a big role in how digital marketing works. If you want to reach and convert consumers in the digital age, you’ll need to start with the search engines. A recent research study by Forrester found that 71% of consumers start their buyer’s journey on search engines like Google. If you are not taking the right steps to improve your site’s SEO then you may be missing out on a powerful opportunity to reach a significant amount of leads.

Search engine optimization is the process of optimizing your site’s content so that it appeals to search engines. The end goal is to rank higher on the search engine results page (SERP) to increase visibility in your target market. The higher you rank on the SERP, the more organic traffic you can drive back to your website.

Search engine optimization not only brings more traffic to your website, but it also helps ensure that the leads you are bringing in are of a higher quality. The goal of digital marketing is to attract those who are right for your products or services, and SEO plays an important role in doing just that. By emphasizing certain keywords and topics within your content, you can work to reach those online who are most likely to be interested in your products or services.

Now that you know how important search engine optimization is to all of your digital marketing efforts, you may be wondering how you can optimize your site and content for best results. Head on over to our search engine optimization services page to learn more about the role that SEO plays in your digital campaigns and how an SEO agency can help you achieve your goals.

3. Content Marketing

Content marketing is another important tactic that plays a significant role in how digital marketing works. Content marketing is essentially when your business creates and promotes certain content assets that are aimed at attracting and engaging your target customers. These content assets can be created for a number of different purposes, including generating brand awareness, growing site traffic, boosting leads, or retaining customers.

No matter which tactics that you use as part of your digital marketing strategy, you will need to create content to support these tactics. This can be something as short and simple as a thank you email to someone who has subscribed to your email list. Or it can be a longer, more detailed piece like an e-book, that describes and provides information about one of the biggest challenges that your target customers face.

Here are just a few types of content marketing that you might create to support your digital marketing campaign goals:

  • Website pages
  • Blog posts
  • Social media posts
  • E-books
  • White papers
  • Case Studies
  • Testimonials
  • Videos
  • Images
  • Infographics
  • Podcasts
  • Ad Content

The key to creating great content assets that help support your digital marketing campaigns is strategically choosing topics that appeal most to your audience. If you haven’t already, make sure that you do some target audience research and even create customer personas to ensure that you know your customers well and can identify what types of content will attract and engage them at each step in the buyer’s journey.

Ready to learn more about where content marketing fits into your strategy? Take a quick peek at our content marketing services page to find out more about why content is so important and how the content marketing experts at Adze vibrant can help you get started.